40-Day meditation practice

40 Days of compassion

30 days of Writing!

April 10-May 19, 2023

Live Via Zoom

6:30-7:00 am PST


Writing Circle 7:00-7:30 am PST




In the Fall of 2022, we focused our meditations on cultivating JOY. In January, we focused on GRATITUDE. Another potent practice to cultivate JOY is adopting a heart-set and mind-set of compassion…namely self-compassion. Joy is a complex and most unifying emotion we all have access to. It is an internal state that we cultivate when we are most aligned with our values, living on purpose and being our truest self. It is possible to hold both joy and sorrow at the same time. Beginning the day with a clean slate of “I am enough’ or “I got this” or “I can” or “I matter” through intentional practices that help us attune to self-compassion helps to access JOY.

Join us from the comfort of your own home for Kundalini Meditation Practice. For those new and experienced with Kundalini Yoga, adopting a daily meditation helps to cultivate inner strength and joy through gratitude. It helps establish inner peace and a state of flow and ease in your life. Open to anyone who wishes to be part of a community to be supported in their spiritual journey.

What will we do?

Each 30 minute practice begins with a tuning in mantra followed by 5 minutes of gentle yoga stretches, movement, breathwork and postures. The meditation will be 11 minutes. We end with a savasana and closing blessing. The music is soothing, the chanting keeps us in active. meditation and helps re-wire our patterns that keep us stuck or swirling into that critical self-talk

Kundalini yoga is a powerful technology that is intended for everyone of all shapes, sizes and walks of life. Known as the yoga of awareness, each morning incorporates movement and postures, as well as breath work, relaxation and meditation. The combination of repetitive movement, breathing and relaxing helps to exercise our ‘ nervous system’ making us more resilient and energized to deal with the day to day stressors of life.

What’s included:

  • Daily Meditation practice via Zoom

  • Educational tidbit each morning and in the follow-up daily (most days) email

  • Closing affirmation each session: quote, poem or passage that deepens the experience

  • Peaceful and soothing music

  • Coffee Chat on the Mat on Saturday mornings after practice 7:00-7:30 am PST.

  • Practice video to use on the mornings we may not be able to meet or connect

  • Experienced teaching led by Dori Howard, certified Kundalini yoga teacher, former nurse, coach, facilitator

  • Daily (most days) follow-up email sent to your inbox with the quote/blessing of the day and connection to the practice and with you.


If you are wanting to develop a writing habit, join us Monday-Friday after meditation for a 30 minute Writing Circle. We will stay on Zoom after the meditation is completed, greet each other, write for 8 minutes, reconvene, share and check out. If you are currently registered in the HOP ON HOP OFF Writing Community, this is part of your Meditation practice fee. If you are not in the Hop On, Hop Off, the cost is an additional 25.00/circle ($20 if joined with the Meditation practice)



  • Daily April 10-May 19, 2023

  • Time: 6:30 am - 7:00 am PST

Place: via zoom, in the comfort of your own home and comfy clothes

Register to receive your welcome package and Zoom Link

40 Day Meditation


40 Day Meditation + Writing


Writing Only


Create your own sacred space in your home with candles, incense, momentos, diffuser, etc. Lay out your mat, bring a shawl or blanket, light some candles, make yourself some tea and come to the mat ready for your journey inward.